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45th EIBA Annual Conference 2019


he 2019 EIBA conference will be an opportunity to look at broadening the impact and footprint of international business through integration with research in other social sciences. The goal is to investigate the lessons to be learned from the turbulent environment of the past several years.

Young Researchers in Structural Geology and Tectonics (YORSGET)


Yorsget is a conference aimed primarily at MSc/PhD students, post-docs, and early career researchers in the broad field of structural geology and tectonics. The conference provides a platform for networking and research presentations in a supportive and inspiring atmosphere. The conference consists of keynotes, regular talks, poster presentations, and field trips.

British Society for Immunology: Mathematical Modelling


Programme Thursday 7 June 10:00 - 10:45 Myeloid shift and melanoma survival Julia Newton-Bishop, University of Leeds 10:45 - 11:30 Characterising naturally acquired immunity to Ebola virus: implications for vaccine licensure. Miles Carroll, Public Health England 11:30 - 12:15 Probing the age structure within populations of B cells. Melissa Verheijen, Division of Infection and Immunity,...

Philosophy Bakes No Bread


Philosophy Bakes No Bread was an evening of free philosophical talks and interactive discussion that asked: What is the point of philosophy? About Thinking Space Philosophy Bakes No Bread was initiated and co-ordinated by Thinking Space, in collaboration with the University of Leeds and funded by the School of PRHS and The Forum. The event...

Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group Conference 2018


On behalf of the Scientific Convenor, Professor Jurgen Neuberg, and the Technical Convenor, Dr Vern Manville, we are delighted to welcome you to the 54th annual conference of the Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group, hosted by the University of Leeds.

Bone and Enamel Tissue Science and Engineering meeting 2017


This event brought together clinicians, practitioners, tissue engineers, laser scientists and engineers to discuss the following key themes: Clinical Dentistry; Materials, Fabrication and Characterisations; Bone Tissue and Materials Engineering.

Leeds Doctoral College Showcase 2017


The Leeds Doctoral College Showcase 2017 took place at the 8th annual University of Leeds Postgraduate Research Conference on Monday December 4th 2017. Please visit for more information on the Leeds Doctoral College. 3 minute thesis presentations are available to view on the conference’s YouTube channel: University of Leeds Postgraduate Researcher of the Year...

Women of Mathematics - Photography Exhibition, Competition and Public Talks


From 18 Sept to 10 Oct 2017 the University of Leeds will be hosting in the Edward Boyle Library Foyer a Photographic Exhibition titled “Women of Mathematics throughout Europe – A Gallery of Portraits”. The exhibition is intended to break down barriers and stereotypes about mathematics, encouraging young people (male and female) to believe in their capacities and express their potential.

Conference on Stochastic Control, Ambiguity and Games


The Conference on Stochastic Control, Ambiguity and Games is a two-day event on stochastic control, robust optimisation and stochastic games which will explore existing and new links across the different research areas. The conference will bring together participants of our research week and other international experts, and will feature contributed and invited talks, time for discussions and an evening get-together on the...