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Poster Instructions

Poster Instructions

We want to make the poster sessions as interactive for in-person and virtual participants as possible, therefore we will be using Padlet as a way of storing and sharing information.

We ask that ALL Poster presenters (either in-person or virtual) upload a copy of their poster and also a 2 minute talk introducing their poster in advance of the workshop (if possible by 17th August 2022).  Each Poster presentation will be assigned a password protected Padlet where files can be uploaded easily.

The links to each Padlet can be found on this website under the different sessions (Poster Session A, Virtual Poster Session B, Poster Session C). Please navigate to your session as per the Conference Programme and follow the Padlet link below each abstract.  You will be prompted for a password and then you will be able to access your Padlet.

The password has been sent to all conference delegates by email.

IMPORTANT: Please do not share this password with anyone who is not a workshop participant.

Padlets are quite intuitive to use, but there are some instructions on each Padlet board, plus in the document below - How to use Padlet_Pliocene Workshop (see bottom of page).

Once you are on your Padlet, you will see a link to your abstract (to show you are in the correct place).  Then you can upload your poster and talk (see instructions). During the conference itself, the Padlets can be used to comment on or ask questions about a particular poster.  Poster presenters will be asked to monitor their own Padlet and add responses.

All workshop participants will be able to access all Padlets for the duration of the conference and for the following 3 months - thereafter they will be closed.

Please do not download or share posters stored on Padlets without first receiving the permission of the presenting author.  Participation in this conference requires all attendees to treat other people’s contribution and data with respect and not to utilise them for any other purpose other than that intended by the presenter, without the permission of the presenter first.  For authors, if there is highly sensitive unpublished material, you should use your judgement whether or not to upload this material here.

In-Person Poster Instructions 

For our in-person Poster presentations, we will of course be holding a more traditional poster session.  Maximum poster sizes are A0 Portrait (A1 Landscape).  We ask you to bring your poster with you as there are no printing facilities on site.