Prof Juliet Thondhlana
Juliet Thondhlana is Professor and UNESCO Chairholder in International Education and Development as well as Coordinator of the Association of African Universities Europe Regional Office at the University of Nottingham. She has wide-ranging experience researching and publishing in the interlinked fields of skilled migration, employability, entrepreneurial and talent education, and the internationalisation of higher education.
Her publications include several journal articles in high impact journals, refereed book chapters, refereed edited books, special issues, conference papers and policy documents focusing on Sub-Saharan Africa and other contexts. She is lead editor of the ground-breaking Bloomsbury Handbook of the Internationalisation of Higher Education in the Global South as well as lead guest editor of the Journal of the British academy Issue “Repositioning of Africa in knowledge production: shaking off historical stigmas.” She is co-Editor of the Journal of Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice and sits on editorial boards of high impact journals.