Valuing and financing infrastructure: Day 2
Thursday 27th April
Valuing and financing infrastructure at national and international scales
Click here for a pdf of the full conference schedule.
This day of the conference will explore the wider value of infrastructure at a national and international level. It will also look at funding of infrastructure which is often a barrier to its development.
There will be interactive sessions, panel discussions, networking and short presentations around the following key themes:
- What are the pressing needs and possible solutions for infrastructure provision at a national and international level?
- What new local government business models are emerging and how do we govern infrastructure for the best possible outcomes?
- How can we incorporate the wider value (such as cultural, social and environmental factors) of infrastructure into decision making processes?
- What is best practice in financing infrastructure programmes?
- How do infrastructure sectors, such as transport, water and waste approach these problems and what can we learn from activities in these areas?
- What role can universities working with key stakeholders do to address these points?
Confirmed speakers for day 2 include:
- Prof Brian Collins, Director of the Centre for Engineering Policy, University College London
- Richard Ploszek, Commercial Specialist, Infrastructure and Projects Authority
- Prof David Hall, Director of the Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU)
- Prof Julie Froud, Manchester University and Foundational Economy
- Henry Leveson-Gower, Head of abstraction and upstream policy, Defra & Research Fellow, Centre for the Evaluation of Complexity Across the Nexus
- Prof Tom Theis, Director, Institute for Environmental Science and Policy, Professor of Civil and Materials Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago
- David Bentley, Head of Asset Management, CIPFA
- Prof Becky Loo, Professor of Geography, University of Hong Kong
- Dr Seema Alim, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College
- Chris Zevenbergen, Professor of Flood Resilience of Urban Systems, IHE Delft
- Dr Iain Clacher, Associate Professor in Accounting and Finance & Deputy Director of The Centre for Advanced Studies in Finance (CASIF), Leeds University Business School
- Prof Barbara Evans, Chair in Public Health Engineering, University of Leeds
- Dr Julia Steinberger, Associate Professor Ecological Economics and Industrial Ecology, University of Leeds
- Prof Liz Varga, Professor of Complex Infrastructure Systems, Infrastructure Systems, Cranfield School of Management
- Prof Paul Nightingale, Professor or Strategy, University of Sussex
- Prof Phil Purnell, Co-Director CITIES Theme, University of Leeds