Featured Speakers
Vahagn Aslanyan
Gabriel Conant
Zaniar Ghadernezhad
Ulla Karhumäki
Update 14 Dec 2020. The course is now concluded (a massive thanks to the four speakers!) and registrations are closed. The recordings of the lectures are publicly available on the Scheme 3 Lectures: LYMoTS and SEEMOD playlist of the LMS YouTube channel.
Update 6 Jan 2020. The slides are available on the programme page.
Model Theory is a branch of mathematics in which structures (such as groups, fields, graphs, etc.) are studied from the perspective of mathematical logic. In recent years, developments in Model Theory have led to applications in other areas of mathematics such as Number Theory, Differential Algebra, Combinatorics, and Group Theory.
In the first six lectures of our excursion (by Ulla and Zaniar, 13 Oct–17 Nov), we will present the basics of model theory with a special focus on examples. The final four lectures (by all lecturers, 24 Nov–3 Dec) will focus on specialised research topics and applications of model theory. Although previous experience with predicate logic may be helpful, it won't be essential. The necessary logical tools will be introduced throughout the course.
All ten lectures will be given live over Zoom, and students can participate remotely. The links will be posted on Piazza and sent via email, and recordings will be made available after each session. Questions and exercises will be given during the lectures, and further discussion of the exercises and course topics will happen on Piazza as well.
Registration is free and open throughout the course to all postgraduate students and young researchers anywhere in the world. Please register if you wish to access the sessions, the previous recordings, and the discussion forum. You will receive the links to the Zoom sessions and an invitation to Piazza. In order to attend the lectures, please register 48 hours before the next lecture, otherwise we cannot guarantee you will be registered in time.
Update 14 Dec 2020. Registrations are now closed.
The course is organized by Charlotte Kestner (Imperial) for the South and East of England Model Theory Network (SEEMOD) and Vincenzo Mantova (Leeds) for the Lancashire Yorkshire Model Theory Network (LYMoTS), and it is sponsored by the London Mathematical Society.