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Featured Speakers

Andrej Bauer

University of Ljubljana

Steve Awodey

Carnegie Mellon University

Matthieu Sozeau


Robert Harper

Carnegie Mellon University


View full conference programme, abstracts and slides.

Thierry Coquand

A constructive model of homotopy types.

Paolo Capriotti

Presheaf models of two-level type theory.

Eric Palmgren

Categories with families, FOLDS and logic enriched type theory.

Nicolai Kraus

Higher categorical structures and homotopy coherent diagrams.

Thorsten Altenkirch

Homotopy type theory as a foundation for mathematics?

Christian Sattler

A modular glueing construction

Matthieu Sozeau

Forcing translations in type theory

Dimitris Tsementzis

Homotopy model theory.

Sponsoring institutions

This workshop is supported by the Engineering and Physical Research Council (EPSRC) via the standard grant EP/M016951/1 and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) via the grant FA8655-13-1-3038.