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Call for contributions

We invite submissions for research abstracts, panels, and workshops for the upcoming conference. Submissions with any angle are welcomed, however, we will prioritise those that address the conference theme: Digital Footprints for Public Good.

We welcome research projects from academics, industry, government departments and non-profit research organisations who are using digital footprints data.

Digital footprints data includes, but is not limited to: transactional records; internet history records; social media data; geospatial/mobility data; sensor records such as those collected by wearables; and image data. We welcome submissions of projects related to using these datasets, or using combinations of those and linked datasets.

Submission types may consist of (but are not restricted to):

  • Empirical
  • Methodological
  • Conceptual Frameworks and Position Papers
  • Reviews
  • Case Studies
  • Demonstrations
  • Engagement Activities
  • User Experience and Design Frameworks.

We would particularly like to showcase how digital footprints data can make a real difference in society. We want to see research that not only discusses but also demonstrates the practical applications of this data for positive social impact, offering insights that can contribute to meaningful change in our communities and beyond.

The deadline for submissions is 5pm on 22 January 2025, and notification of acceptance will be provided by the WC 3 February 2025.

Submission guidelines

All submissions will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and independent reviewers according to the following criteria: (1) Relevance to Digital Footprints; (2) Pathway to public good; (3) Scientific quality; (4) Presentation quality.

To make a submission, please follow this link.


We invite submissions of 350-word abstracts for posters. A limited number of successful abstracts, with authors’ permission, will be selected for oral flash presentations. Submissions must include a title for the paper, an abstract, a contact email address, and indication of institutional affiliation. The abstract should be structured under the following headings: Introduction & Background, Objectives & Approach, Relevance to Digital Footprints, Results, and Conclusions & Implications.

Panels and workshops

We invite submissions of panels and workshop sessions, a limited number of which will be held on the afternoon of Wednesday 14 May 2025. These sessions can be between 60–90 minutes in length.

Proposals should include a 500-word overview, outlining the Title, Motivation and Background, Structure, and Relevance to Digital Footprints. The sessions may address any topic related to digital footprints, for instance, leveraging Digital Footprints data in the context of: public health interventions, environmental sustainability, or educational practices. We also welcome training and community dialog type workshops.

The structure of these sessions is not fixed and may be designed to suit individual requirements. Proposers are responsible for defining the full contents of the workshop or panel, namely the authors and presenters.

Please email with any queries.