Meeting 34
The next meeting of YaMCATS will happen, 16th April 2024, University of Sheffield.
School of Mathematics and Statistics University of Sheffield. All talks will happen in the Hicks building.
If you will arrive by train, can either walk from the station or take the tram. Here are some directions.
13:00 -- 14:00: LT1 - Clark Barwick (Edinburgh)
14:00 -- 14:30: Coffee break
14:30 -- 15:30: LT2 - Francesca Fedele (Leeds)
15:30 -- 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 -- 17:00: LT2- Speed Talks and Problem Session.
Coffee / tea breaks are in I15, the Common Room.
If you wish to give a speed / gong talk, please mention this when you register.
Titles and Abstracts:
Speaker: Clark Barwick:
Title: Factorization algebras in quite a lot of generality.
Abstract: The objects of arithmetic geometry are not manifolds. Some concepts from differential geometry admit analogues in arithmetic, but they are not straightforward. How then can we hope to make precise sense of quantum field theories on these objects? I will propose the beginnings of a mathematical framework via a general theory of factorization algebras. A new feature is a subtle piece of additional structure on our objects – what I call an _isolability structure_ – that is ordinarily left implicit.
Speaker: Francesca Fedele:
Title: Pretorsion and torsion theories
Abstract: Starting from a generalisation of torsion (abelian) groups, torsion theories have been widely studied in the last 60 years for the important role they play in abelian categories. More recently, pretorsion theories have been introduced as a ``non-pointed version’’ in more general categories. After introducing this framework, in this talk I will explore the connection between torsion and pretorsion theories and show how the first can be used to build examples of the second in nice enough categories. This is based on joint work with Federico Campanini.
Please fill in this registration form if you wish to attend the 34th meeting of YaMCATS on 16th April 2024 at the University of Sheffield. Your answers will help the organizers to plan for the meeting and to be able to complete the report form required by our funders, including the London Mathematical Society.
Please complete the registration by 14:00 (UK time) on Wednesday 10th April 2024.