Provisional Programme
13:00 – 13:10 Welcome and Introduction
13: 10 - 13:55 Games in Education: Seriously?
Keynote talk by Professor Sylvester Arnab, Coventry University (30 min)
Q&A, reflection and discussion (15 min)
13:55 - 14:10 Public health challenges in promoting healthy eating and engaging people to make behavioural change
Talk by Emma Strachan, Leeds City Council (10 min)
Q&A (5 min)
14:10 - 14:25 Second Nature: Digital Behaviour Change for Sustainable Weight Loss
Talk by Robbie Puddick, Second Nature (10 min)
Q&A, reflection and discussion (10 min)
14:30 – 14:35 Break
14:35 - 14:50 Immersive and digital technologies – telling the stories of agriculture
Talk by Dr Gesa Reiss, University of Leeds (10 min)
Q&A (5 min)
14:50 - 15:05 Simplifying nutrition messages through interactive gaming
Talk by Alicia Parr, Public Health England (10 min)
Q&A (5 min)
15:05 – 15:25 Optimising the FIT Food serious game and the acquisition of skills and knowledge in nutrition and healthy food choice behaviours
Talk by FIT Food Team, FIT Talent and University of Leeds (10 min)
Q&A, reflection and discussion (10 min)
15:25 – 15:30 Open discussion
15:30 - Close