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Arild Vatn

Arild Vatn is professor at the Department of International Environment and Development Studies at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). His main expertise is in insti­tut­ional and ecological economics. Specific fields of experi­ence are: a) Environ­mental governance and policy processes; b) Policy evaluations regarding environmental resources and pollution issues; c) Environ­mental valuation. Vatn has been presi­dent and vice president of the European Society of Ecological Economics. He enjoys also organizing PhD summer schools. He was awarded the NMBU research prize in 2002 and the joint EAEPE and AFEE Veblen 150 prize in 2007 for his book ‘Institutions and the Environment'. His new book, ‘Environmental Governance - Institutions, policies and actions', will appear late 2015.


Plenary Speech

Q&A Session