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Online Resource

A range of materials associated with the reception of Apuleius' Cupid and Psyche (some of which were talked about at the conference) are available as an online resource as a result of Regine May's Cupid and Psyche Project. See, Facets of Apuleius’ Golden Ass in the Brotherton Special Collections. Online items include zoomable images and contextualising text.

Most of these are currently available (marked by bold*), but the resource will grow to include at least this list:

Adlington* Cupid and Psyche, 1903 Bibliophile edition

Beaumont* Psyche, or Love's Mystery, 1702

Boccaccio* 1511

Bridges* Eros and Psyche, 1885

Butler* Cupid and Psyche, 1922

Carpenter* The Story of Eros and Psyche, 1900

Colvius* Apuleius, Opera, 1588

D'Urfey* A new song in honour of the glorious assembly at Court on the Queen's birthday

Falla* with Jean-Aubry* Psyché: poème, 1927



La Fontaine* Les Amores de Psyche et de Cupidon, 1814

Laprade* Psyché, 1857


Louys* Psyché, 1927

Mattison* William Morris collected by Alf Mattison

Minturno* 1559

Morris* The earthly paradise, 1868-70 and A note by William Morris on his aims in founding the Kelmscott Press, 1898

Pater* Marius the Epicurean, 1885

Philander* The Golden Calf, 1749

Shadwell* Psyche, 1675 (2 editions)

Tighe* Psyche, or The Legend of Love, 1812

Voltaire* La Pucelle d'Orleans, 1762

Wieland* Fragments of Psyche, 1767


Some of the physical examples from Boccaccio’s Christian allegorical interpretation to sensuous Art Deco illustrations and William Morris’ beautiful woodcuts, were put on display to read and explore as a part of a Valentine's "Tuesday Treasure" by Treasures of the Brotherton Gallery on Tuesday 12 February 2019, 12:00–14:00.